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Arrival of the fittest.
A selection of works from Anthony's series incorperating stationery, portraiture,
conceptual methods and an invesigation into our primal side as humans.

Biro on white postit on heavy paper. Featuring self portrait in the context of fathers's fishing boat. 1metre x 0.5 metres

If I
Biro and postit notes

Date Stamper on Postit

Tsar (detail)

We will win again Homesick Blues
Portrait of commentator Perer Alliss. Date Stamper on Postit note mounted on heavy paper.

There's A Lot Riding On This One.
Biro on 1500 tiled postit notes. Mounted on a canvas 2.5 x 3.5 metres.

Self Portrait
Biro on Postit note.

'Circular aggression and Succession
Tiger Woods stikes a female Sivlerback Gorilla. Biro on Postit note. 0.8 x 1.5 metres.

Film Noir
Marker on paper.

Lounge Gallery London
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